SKVALBORG 2020 Backyard Sessions x Sydskånska April 22d 2022


Two very difficult years have passed and put roadblocks in all our lives ... BUT NOW we can finally look ahead and focus on the glorious garden of the Sydskånska Nationen on April 28th, 2022. Framed in trees with the spring sun in full swing, this magical place stands super ready, and once again we welcome everyone to this year's first outdoor day party. Can it get any better?!

Hardly, but after all, the answer to the question aboveis actually YES! Because this year we have resumed the collaboration with our best friends from Malmö, BACKYARD SESSIONS! Both when it comes to brains and hearts, it is said that two are always better than one and this specific case is no exception. With the joint efforts of the creative music geniuses in BACKYARD SESSIONS and the hard-hitting music heart of Sydskånska Nationen, we have now joined forces to create an open-air festival with more gunpowder than Alfred Nobel could ever invent!

Simply, It's time for dance!

This years lineup: